Comfort and Joy

One of my favorite pastime is reading comments on articles or social media posts. All are food for thought as they give a glimpse into the mindset of the commentor, and I usually end up lingering in the comment section if I stumble upon ones that are complimentary or endearing. Playing the game of let’s see how many positive sentiments I can find before someone puts a damper on the moment.

Over the holidays I overindulged in what has become one of my favorite Christmas movie called, Home by Christmas,” a 2006 movie starring Linda Hamilton who is more recognized for her Sarah Connor role in The Terminator.

It’s the story of a woman whose life changes after the end of her long-term marriage, and the experiences and journey that she embarks upon that culminated with a surprising and redemptive Christmas celebration with her teenaged daughter.

Knowledge of this movie occurred when it showed up in my viewing recommendation two Christmas seasons ago. I then went in search of it two more times leading up to this past Christmas. First on a free with advertisement app and the latter on YouTube where I had the joy of reading the comments on a three-year-old post of the movie that was still resonating with viewers that had made the discovery.

The comments were mainly heartfelt. Individuals shared their appreciation of the story, the character’s progression and the light infusion of spirituality that seamlessly tied to the core theme of Christmas.

Viewers, including myself, found relatable elements that brought us moments of reflection, appreciation and hope for our future, including a part two of the story.

 If you have not seen “Home by Christmas,” add it to your anytime viewing list.  It’s definitely one that will put you in the feels.  

 Please share your thoughts when and if you have seen the movie.  


Gone too soon